martes, 13 de diciembre de 2016

Super Furry Animals: Hello Sunshine

Super Furry Animals: bestias galesas.

 Me dijiste 'hola' y te diste la vuelta. Qué ingrato te has vuelto... No sé a qué vienen esas maneras. Tú saludas, yo me asombro y, a cambio, lo único que veo es luz solar que me quema. No son tiempos para andar en manga corta, menos enseñar la pierna.

Javier Mateos


Hello Sunshine
(So hard to say goodbye
Meaning it today
I've said goodbye before
Leaving you alone
By the sea
So hard to say goodbye)
Hello sunshine
Come into my life (X2)
In honesty it's been a while
Since we had reason left to smile
Hello sunshine
Come into my life
I'm a minger
You're a minger too
So come on minger
I want to ming with you
In honesty it's been a while
Since we had reason left to smile
Hello sunshine
Come into my life
You're not so innocent
You're a disgrace to your country
If you fled a million miles
I'd chase you for a day
(If I could be bothered)
Hello sunshine (X5)
Come into my life


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