martes, 6 de noviembre de 2012

Pour It Out

                                                                                                   Brian Eno: el amo del Universo.

La semana que viene, el maestro Brian Eno publica su nuevo y ansiado álbum 'LUX' (Warp 2012). Dicen, cuentan, que es un caramelo de ilimitado y placentero sabor. Nos morimos de ganas por tenerlo en nuestras manos y hacer de él nuestro compañero de camino en estos tiempos donde el ritmo frenético de la destrucción se mueve a sus anchas. 'LUX' nos elevará a ese limbo de felicidad ajena a lo terrenal. Mientras eso ocurre, dejemos que este elixir vierta toda su magia interestelar sobre nosotros.

Javier Mateos

Pour it out
In new ways
Drop needles like pines into clear pools
Where molecules are arranged
Just loose enough to let dreams through
It is weird release
To imagine the minuscule
Where deep sea molluscs
Can glow orange in tendrils
And haemoglobin nodules exist
As twenty million models
Beautiful as rocks among atomic sea sweLls
In between kidney shaped blood cells
Imagine your wildest imaginings
Then zoom out to macro
Subway hits the sky
And New York hurtles by
And New York hurtles by
From the top of this highrise
People as small as the pigment in your eyes
And gaps in between them like marching seams
Like ants in streams
Loose enough to let dreams through
Can we climb higher
New York up to sky
The world hurtles by
The world hurtles by
And countries as small as the pigment in your eyes
The world hurtles by
The world hurtles by
Can we climb higher?


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