martes, 3 de enero de 2012

Beautiful New Video by Iron & Wine:"Godless Brother In Love"

El nuevo vídeo de Iron & Wine: "Godless Brother In Love", es una delicado espectáculo visual que entremezcla imágenes diurnas de extrema belleza (donde un grupo de jóvenes cercanos a la madurez, disfrutan felizmente del contacto directo con la Naturaleza), con las del ambiente festivo y ralentizado que provoca la magia de la noche. El frescor del día y la desinhibición nocturna se alían para crear un marco de aislamiento y felicidad propio de los mejores días jamás soñados. La amistad al servicio de la juventud eterna.
Tú que eres joven, no puedes dejar de deleitarte con tan hermoso vídeo e inmejorable canción.

Javier Mateos.


Godless brother in love
you might as well
lay down that rose
and fold the flag

She is money and tabs
that broken freedom in
See her big children burning rags
by the riverside

You can hear them on the hilltop laughing,
cursing every bird in the air
telling her what fun they're having
Driving eyes closed

Godless brother
as far as I can tell
and I won't compensate the blight

She looks lovely
as lightening all,
but what the hell

her big kids all run down the road
with no memories at all

And you can hear them on the hilltop laughing,
cursing every bird in the air
telling her what fun they're having
Driving eyes closed


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