Alguien dijo que cuando algunas puertas se cierran otras se abren, pero nadie se pregunta qué sucede si son giratorias. Siendo precavido, he tomado la decisión de colgar el cartel de 'Cerrado'.
Javier Mateos
I faded, I waited out. I'd have to shut you down to let you know, that
it's just easier to say I'm wrong. I'm wearing my patience out. I'd have
to shut you down to let you know, that it's just easier to say I'm
I can't even say the words I've heard, easy for you. I can't even say
the words I've heard, easy for you. I traded, I waited out. I'd have to
shut you down to let you know, that it's just easier to say I'm wrong.
I've waited, my hatred out. I'd have to shut you down to let you know,
that it's just easier to say I'm wrong
I can't even say the words I've heard, easy for you. I can't even say the words I've heard, easy for you
I can't even say the words I've heard, easy for you. I can't even say
the words I've heard, easy for you. I can't even say the words I've
heard, easy for you.
Lavando se pasó el día. Fregando se pasó la mañana. Nadando se pasó un verano. Remando se pasó la vida.
Javier Mateos
Goodnight my love
Remember me as you fall to sleep
Fill your pockets with the dust and the memories
That rises from the shoes on my feet
I won't be back here
Though we may meet again
I know it's dark outside
Don't be afraid
Everytime I ever cried from fear
Was just a mistake that I made
Wash yourself in your tears
And build your church
On the strength of your faith
Listen to me
Don't let go
Don't let this desperate moonlight leave me
With your empty pillow
Promise me the sun will rise again
I too am tired now
Embracing thoughts of tonight's dreamless sleep
My head is empty
My toes are warm
I am safe from harm
Dicen que mañana lloverá, pero a ti te da igual. Con tu chubasquero de metal puedes cruzar cualquier tempestad.
Javier Mateos
You search back at any cost But how long babe You search for what's not lost Everybody will help you Some people are very kind But if I could save you anytime Come on, give it to me I'll keep it with mine.
I can't help it if you might think I'm wrong If I say I don't love you for what you are
But for what you're not Everybody will help you Discover what you set out to find But if I could save you anytime Come on, give it to me I'll keep it with mine.
The train leaves at half past ten But it'll be back tomorrow Same time again The conductor His spirit's still stuck on the line But if I could save you anytime
Fue instantáneo, casi como el chocolate en polvo. Se miró al espejo y pensó que nada ni nadie la podía parar. La primera vez que se miró a los ojos fue la más profunda e intensa.
Javier Mateos
I would have given you all of my heart
But there's someone who's torn it apart
And she's takin' almost all that I've got
But if you want, I'll try to love again
Baby I'll try to love again but I know
The first cut is the deepest, baby I know
The first cut is the deepest
'Cause when it comes to bein' lucky, she's cursed
When it comes to lovin' me, she's worse
But when it comes to bein' loved, she's first
That's how I know
The first cut is the deepest, baby I know
The first cut is the deepest
I still want you by my side
Just to help me dry the tears that I've cried
'Cause I'm sure gonna give you a try
And if you want, I'll try to love again
But baby, I'll try to love again, but I know
The first cut is the deepest, baby I know
The first cut is the deepest
'Cause when it comes to bein' lucky, she's cursed
When it comes to lovin' me, she's worse
But when it comes to bein' loved, she's first
That's how I know
The first cut is the deepest, baby I know
The first cut is the deepest
Baby I know, the first cut is the deepest
Baby I know, the first cut is the deepest
'Cause when it comes to bein' lucky, she's cursed
When it comes to lovin' me, she's worse
But when it comes to bein' loved, she's first
That's how I know
The first cut is the deepest, baby I know
Tu vida es lo más parecido a una discoteca. Allá donde pisas crees estar en una pista de baile. Tu visión siempre distorsionada y tus caderas enloquecidas a base de corazones. Estás muy loca.
Javier Mateos
Her face, her face didnt change the whole damn time
when suddenly suddenly she left the room crying
turned her cards, turned her cards over they were shocked 2 find
Her face, her face didnt change the whole damn time
when suddenly suddenly she left the room crying
turned her cards, turned her cards over they were shocked 2 find
one card, none of them had ever seen dealt
was a heart of hearts
staring, staring out the window like somethings missing
talking, talking 2 himself but not even he is listening
read the letter, read the letter over he was shocked to find
dear u, the heart is nothing but, nothing but a shell
4 your heart of hearts
talking bout real love baby
it's such a precious thing
it's got 2 be true love baby
it's such a precious thing
it's got 2 be true love baby
it's such a precious things
cuz we're all just fumbling baby
fumbling in the dark
4 a heart of hearts
En aquella torre nunca se pone el Sol. Sus ventanas ya no son venecianas, los vecinos del bloque de enfrente tampoco asoman sus cuerpos sudorosos... Todo ha cambiado, hasta el sonido. El consuelo: pensar que pudimos abrir y dejar pasar la luz siempre que quisimos.
Javier Mateos
Well my friends are gone and my hair is grey I ache in the places where I used to play And I'm crazy for love but I'm not coming on I'm just paying my rent every day Oh in the Tower of Song I said to Hank Williams: how lonely does it get? Hank Williams hasn't answered yet But I hear him coughing all night long A hundred floors above me In the Tower of Song
I was born like this, I had no choice I was born with the gift of a golden voice And twenty-seven angels from the Great Beyond They tied me to this table right here In the Tower of Song
So you can stick your little pins in that voodoo doll I'm very sorry, baby, doesn't look like me at all I'm standing by the window where the light is strong Ah they don't let a woman kill you Not in the Tower of Song
Now you can say that I've grown bitter but of this you may be sure The rich have got their channels in the bedrooms of the poor And there's a mighty judgment coming, but I may be wrong You see, you hear these funny voices In the Tower of Song
I see you standing on the other side I don't know how the river got so wide I loved you baby, way back when And all the bridges are burning that we might have crossed But I feel so close to everything that we lost We'll never have to lose it again
Now I bid you farewell, I don't know when I'll be back There moving us tomorrow to that tower down the track But you'll be hearing from me baby, long after I'm gone I'll be speaking to you sweetly From a window in the Tower of Song
Yeah my friends are gone and my hair is gray I ache in the places where I used to play And I'm crazy for love but I'm not coming on I'm just paying my rent every day Oh in the Tower of Song
Muchas veces intentamos buscar, rastrear e, incluso, arañar en el presente un futuro que aún desconocemos. En KISTE F.M. siempre mostramos plena disposición por comprender y esforzarnos por encontrar nuevas sonoridades que logren emocionar al oyente. A lo largo de este 2015 y de los últimos años, hemos encontrado parámetros muy gratificantes y que son ajenos a lo que dictan los de 'siempre': músicas a punto de caducar, nuevas esperanzas (casi siempre falsas), discos anodinos y bandas impostoras. Por ahora, parece que la sequía continua y la mayor parte de las publicaciones, salvo algunas y sensacionales obras (que las hay), están carentes de algo tremendamete significativo y grave: de MÚSICA. Hemos entrado en barrena, aburrimiento y festivaleo. Pero siempre queda un pasado mejor: vinilos (ahora gusta decir eso), discos, que hacen sonrojar a la mayor parte de la parroquia que va de 'vanguardista'.
Hubo un tiempo en que la creatividad era como una churrería y sus músicos churreros. En los años 70, podemos casi afirmar, el volumen de obras innovadoras y revolucionarias era tan abrumador que sería muy complicado resaltar unas por encima de otras, como suelen hacer las publicaciones de turno, siempre tirando de comparativas y listas más estancadas que una charca en Montijo en pleno mes de agosto.
Hoy en KISTE F.M. queremos fijarnos en una de esas obras descomunales/visionarias y en ocasiones poco reivindicada: Zuckerzeit de CLUSTER, Brain 1974. Entrar en su análisis es casi una pérdida de tiempo, porque en sus apenas 36 minutos está reflejado el devenir de nuestros tiempos. Aún 31 años después, sus canciones siguen siendo inspiradoras, frescas y, a veces, muy familiares, ya que muchas han sido vilmente plagiadas y/o maquilladas por más de un artista de renombre.
En aquella década, Alemania reescribió la música popular, marcó el tempo. Numerosos artistas que permanecían atascados en su creatividad y no veían la luz, fijaron su mirada en esa generación de músicos fascinantes. Eso les pasó a los británicos (que había vivido muy bien en su cetro), muertos de envidia, ellos reyes de la soberbia, intentaron humillar la sonoridad germana etiquetándola despectivamente como Krautrock (rock de los cabezas cuadradas). Pero hasta su icono, referencia y mayor perla por aquellos años, David Bowie salió disparado para Berlín con el único fin de subirse al carro y salvar su culo (siempre fue un moderno y más artista que músico). De todos es sabido que no lo hizo solo, el cerebro y la mente superlativa de Brian Eno ya sobrevolaba Alemanía por aquel entonces y sabía que allí había un pozo infinito repleto de oro negro sonoro. Él y Robert Fripp le echaron el cable de su vida y sacaron a flote en la mal llamada Triolgía de Berlín. El desembarco musical de las almas más inquietas en la aldea musical de la época, no tuvo contemplaciones y echó sus anclas durante años en las atmósferas teutonas.
Los Cluster de 1974 eran ya únicamente un duo formado por Moebius y Roedelius, Conrad Schnitzler -el otro miembro fundador- se había borrado años antes. Inquietos y perfeccionistas, invitaron a participar en la grabación al por entonces miembro de Neu! (ahí es nada) Michael Rother. El resultado fue y es excepcional. Una obra atemporal cargada de melodías generadas con múltiples aparatos y que siguen provocando admiración 41 años después (se dice pronto). Aquel año estos tres pioneros decidieron dar forma a otro proyecto, la superbanda Harmonia, a la que también se sumó Eno más tarde. El británico estrechó muchos lazos con ellos y terminó sacando otros dos discos sensacionales conjuntamente: Cluster & Eno y After the Heat. En 1985 se editó un resumen de las colaboraciones de aquellos años tan productivos: Begegriungen I-II, donde también estaba inmerso otra pieza clave en el engranaje musical germano: Konrad Plank, el Phil Spector del Krautrock. Pero eso es ya otra historia.
Hay ángeles revoltosos, otros caídos, pero todos son muy similares. No te creas lo que te cuentan o dibujan sobre ellos. Los ángeles suelen jugar con nosotros.
Javier Mateos
You were looking for silver, looking for gold
You never did feel the wind turning cold
You always said you didn’t need that much anymore
You were carrying the weight of the world
Running around with all that pain
So you never did feel my hand in the rain
You were dreaming deep down in the night
Dreaming all of your days
You never did wake when the angels played
There was fire in the tunnel fire in the wash
And the ringing of the bells
You never did wake when the angels played
Maybe you’ll find your silver
Maybe you’ll find your gold
Maybe we’ll meet again on the road sometime
Storm in December storm in July
I was standing in the door
When you said goodbye
You never did wake when the angels played
There was fire in the tunnel
Fire in the wash
And the ringing of the bells
You never did wake when the angels played
Well maybe you’ll find your silver
Maybe you’ll find your gold
Maybe we’ll meet somewhere down the road
Storm in December storm in July
I was standing in the door
When you said goodbye
You never did wake when the angels played